Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Weekend

Easter, what a wonderful time of the year, I can't believe that it has already past. This past weekend was packed with so many memories. Along with it being Easter, we had Kate baptized. I had been looking forward to Easter/Baptism for a long time, and now it has come and gone. I have been going through the seemingly endless photos that were taken smiling at the perfect looks that were captured for all times. Bailey actively participated in her first Easter Egg Hunt (4 of them). Sure last year she "hunted" eggs, but this year she actually got it, she knew that those eggs contained something wonderful. I Watched her look around for the loot and shake each plastic egg containing sweet treasures that she would (maybe) enjoy later, as long as Momma didn't get to it first. Oh the joys of being a tike. So innocent, yet full of mischief at the same time. Bailey would run to me after the hunt and ask for a piece of candy, I would tell her "just one", and watch her sneak at least two. But what can you do, it is a special occasion right? After the exhausting egg hunts of the weekend I got to enjoy time spent with all my friends and family members that I rarely see. Spending an hour with my grandpa was bittersweet. I know his time is limited on this earth, he is thankful for that, but others are obviously sadden by it. Although I was glad I got to see him, I wonder if it will be the last time. He is very weak, which most are at almost 90. Hopefully he will stick around a little longer, but this is my selfish thinking, I know he is anxiously looking forward to being reunited with Grandma. Only time will tell.

Sunday was Kate's Baptism. We decided that early service would be good, so that we we could drive back to Kevin's parent's house to celebrate Easter with them. I guess it was wishful thinking that everyone's alarm would wake them up for the drive to church, unfortunately Kevin did not get to witness the actual baptism, he was on call and had to be at work till 2am. His alarm was set to wake him at 4:30 to make the two hour trip to the church, that didn't happen. It was still a joyous occasion and the girls did surprisingly well being that it started at 7am and itnwas almost 2 hours long...did I mention we had to sit in the front pew, eek. All went well, Kate was baptized in the gown that my aunt made from my wedding dress, and it is the same one Bailey was baptized in at 6wks old. It was wonderful.
After breakfast with my family we made the two hour trek to Kevin's parent's house. Bailey played with her older cousins and held her younger ones. We had the last Easter egg hunt there. It was nice to get to sit and talk to the adults while Kate got passed around from family member to family member. Needless to say the kids were exhausted by the time we made it back to our house at almost 8pm, remember we were at church at 7am. All in all it was a wonderful, sometimes stressfull weekend. I am posting some pictures to remember it by.

Here is Bailey with some of her cousins at Kate's Baptism. I love the look on Bailey's face.

Here is my sweet Kate at her grandma and grandpa's house, she is teething, don't mind the drool.

Here is Bailey looking for the loot, notice the tongue, it is her way of concentrating.

Here is Bailey and Kate with Ava, she is my best friend's child. I have known laura almost 25 years. Time flies when you're having fun.

Here is my niece and nephew and Bailey and Kate after the baptism.

Tired of all the picture taking, ready to go home and sleep.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Middle of the Road

Nap time, a time I look forward to. A time I can reflect on life, I should be doing the dishes or laundry, but that can wait, for now. Now I am going to spill my thoughts on this page. My life, is it what I thought it would be? Is any ones? I dreamt of stardom, modeling, money, in reality I live in middle of the road plainness, have normal stresses of life, lots of bills, along with lots of worry, but I also have lots of love. Would I trade any of it for stardom and money, ask me on a bad day, a day of screaming kids, fights and tears, I might just say yes (jokenly). Most days are good days, yeah, who doesn't dream of the high life, but I wouldn't trade it in for what I have. My family, my life, it is mine, and I love it, even with the heartaches, the fights, the boo boos. Those slobbery baby kisses, those "I love you more" hugs, they are what makes a good life. It comes with ups and downs, I love to reminisce of the ups and learn from the downs.

Just now Bailey comes running into the playroom while I sat her typing, she asked me "momma, you gunna pway?" She wants me to come back to her room and say a nap time prayer, so sweet, so innocent. I can count on her to be back in her in a few minutes telling me "I gotta go poop" meaning she wet her diaper, this will probably go on until 2:45, when she finally gives up the sleepiness battle and lets nap time take over. Even though I get a nap time "break", it is never uninterrupted, and that is ok. I wouldn't give it up for anything. Even though I live in middle of the road plainness, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I am excited that I have an outlet for my thoughts, no matter how random they might be. Hopefully, nap time and after the girls go to bed for the night are times I will use to reflect on life, share an anecdote for the day, or document my journey, regardless, this will be my stress relief.

Writer's Block

I've been wanting to do one of "these things" for awhile now. I am such the procrastinator. I have hundreds of pages waiting to be written. I need motivation, then I take a look at my two beautiful daughters and find it, the motivation I need. One look and my writer's block is lifted. I could write endless words of love and wisdom that I have for them. I want them to one day know, I am not just their "mommy", I am so much more than that. That is where I find my motivation, wanting to document their journey through life and mine as a mother, a wife, a photographer in the making, a teacher, and oh so many other things. Years from now I want them to be able to look back and read these words that I am pouring out over these "pages". See the trials and tribulations that make up life. Learn from my mistakes, smile at the fun times, cry with me, laugh at life, and have fun. I also wouldn't mind finding others going through this journey called motherhood, others who can offer advice along the way, that is why I am putting this journey down through a blog and not just a diary. I look forward to blogging, I might not be able to post every day, and some days I might have a few post, who knows, my journey begins now.

Here are the ones that inspire me, my joy, my love, my life: